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  • 在经历了充满压力和动荡的一年之后,学校如何解决学生带来的心理健康问题?
  • 学校应该如何处理成千上万的学生,他们过多的缺勤和不及格使他们成为留校的候选人?
  • 对于新到的移民儿童,或者那些因卡特里娜飓风等自然灾害而中断学业的学生,学校可以提供哪些教训?



来源:首席州立学校官员委员会特殊教育成果项目总监凯瑟琳·埃尔哈特;塔尔萨公立学校学生家庭支持服务临时执行主任斯蒂芬妮·安德鲁斯;路易斯安那州西门罗好望中学校长Twainna Calhoun;未来;罗布·科德,加州沃尔纳特高中的学校心理学家;纽约莫洛伊学院(Molloy College)研究与奖学金高级院长奥黛丽·科汉(Audrey Cohan);俄亥俄州梅菲尔德兰德小学校长费利西亚·埃文斯;Instruction Partners首席执行官Emily Freitag;Mia Halthon,父母,密歇根州底特律人;道格拉斯·哈里斯(Douglas Harris),经济学教授、施利德公共教育基金会主席、杜兰大学新奥尔良教育研究联盟主任; Sharon Hoover, professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, co-director, National Center for School Mental Health; Tiffany Newton, parent, Newark, N.J.; Nicole Rucci-Macauda, teacher, Lander Elementary School, Mayfield, Ohio; Nathaniel Schwartz, co-founder, EdResearch for Recovery, Annenberg Institute of School Reform, Brown University; Allison Socol, assistant director of P12 policy, Education Trust; Shannon Glynn Thomas, program director for college and career readiness standards, Council of Chief State School Officers; Mary Toomey, assistant superintendent, Lawrence, Mass., public schools; Joanne Weiss, consultant; Martin West, professor of education, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Caroline Woodason, director of school support, Dalton public schools, Dalton, Ga.;

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