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IT Management Webinar

Scaling Tech Support for K-12 Success

This event occurred on November 18, 2020 2:58 PM EST, but is available to view on-demand.
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The pandemic has forever changed the way we live, work, and learn. Since  the  spring,  students and educators of all levels have adapted to remote learning and hybrid learning models. The shift hasn’t come without growing pains though. A reliance on technology to bring the classroom into homes has presented a host of new tools that need tech support. 

Students will return to school, but school may never be the same. Join us for this webinar to learn how to better support your school’s everchanging and increasingly complex tech needs in a sustainable, flexible way.

Marie Ruzzo
Marketing Director, Remote Solutions at LogMeIn

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Join us for this forum highlighting strategies schools and educators are using to keep K-12 students on track academically.
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Special Education Webinar
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提供的内容Panorama Education
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Recruitment & Retention Webinar
Exploring Staff Shortage Impact on Education
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